Personal Insurance
For most people the journey of life comes with its fair share of ups and downs.
Unfortunately, things happen in our lives that are out of our control. It’s not a nice thought, but what if you or your partner passed away or suffered a serious illness or injury and was unable to work? Suddenly your world can turn upside down and your finanical security placed in jeopardy if you did not have the ability to repay debts and look after your family.
Surprisingly, personal insurance is still one of the most neglected aspects of the average person’s financial planning. So often we insure our possessions like our house or car but we forget about what matters most to us – our loved ones.
Insurance protection against loss of income, disablement, serious illness and death will give you the peace of mind in knowing that your family and your future are protected should something happen to you.
At Future Financial Planning we can help you understand the various types of personal insurance that may be suitable for you, including:
- Life Insurance
- Income Protection
- Total and Permanent
- Disablement (TPD)
- Trauma Cover
- Incorporating insurance into your Superannuation plan
- For further advice and assistance regarding Personal Insurance, contact us today.